Edited on Mon Nov-09-09 04:40 AM by FrenchieCat
J.E.A.L.O.U.S.Y and R.E.V.E.N.G.E
President Bush was likely the most hated President in recent memory, not only in the US, but throughout the world. He really didn't win the 2000 elections fairly, and the Right were pissed that, although for two hot minutes Bush was accepted by many who hadn't voted for him (due to 9/11 and the media's push that we should like him), for most of his Presidency, the Left couldn't stand him, and made this point clear daily. The world couldn't stand him either.
Of course Obama hasn't done anything to justify the hate that the Right feels for him. He didn't do anything wrong by not being spiteful towards them when they lost the election, and even asked for their help election night. They didn't like that. When his wife was hugged by the Queen and the new first couple was celebrated all over Europe; they couldn't stand it. This President pulls us back from the brink of a financial disaster brought on by their George President, and they accuse him of bloating the deficit (while not bothering to do the math). When Pres. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize; they really totally hated that. They loved it when he failed to secure the Olympics, and we all saw that as it happened.
It's jealousy.
So the Right feels perfectly justified in hating Obama as much as we hated Bush...which is why whenever anyone asks them about the ridiculousness of comparing Obama to Hitler, they quickly retort that the Left did the same to Bush. That's why they are comfortable calling this President illegitimate, because we did it (Since Obama won his election by a large percentage, they had to come up with something else, hence the Birth Certificate bullshit).
What they are missing, however, is that Bush gave us reasons to hate him by his actions, his policies, the simple fact that he really didn't win (and therefore was not legitimate) his first election, allowed us to be attacked on our soil, and the clear irefutable evidence that Bush is an inarticulate dumb-ass who got us into two wars, fucked those up, and then broke our piggy bank and used fear and hate to put into place his dreaded policies.
It's Revenge.
The Right hates Barack Obama as their revenge to what they view as unfair treatment of their President, George W. Bush, by the majority of the country. They really loved George, because face it, before him, who did they have other than Reagan? They know that their hate is not justified, but they don't care, cause they hope no one will notice; and to tell the truth, the media has not called them out on it, because we have no media that is accountable, or fair, or impartial.
The Right justifies their lack of accomplishments (for 8 long years) by blaming the government for everything and anything (conveniently forgetting that the government represented them for quite a while), and although some at times will reluctantly blame George Bush (which is why some call themselves conservatives now instead of Republicans), they for sure blame Pres. Barack Obama, who to them is the Government, and they don't care if that just happened three days before they started protesting.
They don't do long view thinking often, but the few times that they do, it dawns on them that it is George Bush's ideology (and therefore their ideology) that got this country into all of the trouble that we now face. Since they cannot abide that what they believe may not be good for this country (and they know this after 8 years), that thought keeps them from thinking too deep very often. So they have stopped thinking and replaced their feeling of guilt with feelings of conspiracy, and/or just plain hate.
After being in power for as long as they have been, the Right is mortally afraid that this time, they will never regain control. The stories that the media ran for an entire month about how the Republican party was dead, scared the shit out of them. Of course, the media had their own agenda on why they did those stories; they wanted to later write the comeback stories that they so dearly love.
Meanwhile, Democrats were watching those "GOP dead as a doorknob" shows and enjoying the hell of 'em (cause, hey...finally), little did they know that they were being played by the media. So they relaxed and laughed and argued among themselves, and the next thing you know, the media is only talking about Republicans at tea parties, at town halls, at rallies. We weren't supposed to notice that these are all of the same people; Republicans who lost the last election. Of course, the media never did this when Bush was in power; never focused on the Democrats out of power and what they were doing...like protesting the Iraq war, and such. But of course, that's because the Media isn't liberal; not even close. Hell, Barack Obama even had to call an address to a Joint Congress in order to even be heard.
So anyways...the Republicans got really afraid. They saw those hispanics on television being nominated as Supreme Court Justices, cabinet secretaries and such, and saw Black folks being nominated as Attorney General, head of EPA, Secretary of the UN, and Surgeon General, and even them Asians too! This was their ultimate nightmare coming true! Far as they are concerned, they are witnessing "their" country being taken from under them, and they are seeing themselves derided and ridiculed and relegated to the status of minority. That's a whole lot to be fearful about, cause they just aren't used to it. Just think, a little less than a year ago, they had all of the power, and had had it since the formation of the Republic. So yes, they are totally in fear and they are freaking out.
And their biggest fear yet is that other unsuspecting citizens that they used to be able to count as their countrymen, will actually like this President, and like the things that he is doing, and see that the country does much better when an articulate, intelligent, genuine person runs it. That's why they are screaming so loud and so long. It is their hope that if they make a bunch of noise, folks will pay attention to them, and stop paying attention to the person who is actually leading us out of the mess their guy made. Oh...and he's Black...adding insult to injury, and making it doubly hard to swallow.
It's really that simple.
It is unfortunate, but they will get louder and louder and louder, the more that is reversed, and the more that folks benefit from the new administration. I think they are already close to crazy, and I'm just hoping that they will remain the small minority that they made themselves become.