were being realized for more and more people as time passed.
I felt, idealistically, it seems, that this idea of using the government to expand the civil rights of all by simply removing barriers so that all the people would have the power to choose their own destiny was what would allow The United States to actualize the principles on which our founders cobbled together this country of ours.
Removing legal barriers so that people would have as much control over their own destinies as possible made me a democrat.
Just think about all the barriers that stood in the way of good intentioned people to be their best, to attain their goals to become as productive in their lives as they wanted.
Just think of all the barriers that are still in place that deny citizens of this country the freedom to choose their own destiny.
What has become distressing to me is that this idea of individual freedoms has become perverted, desecrated really, by those same politicians who came of age at the same time I did.
For too many people in positions of power, the idea of economic freedom is the answer to all grievances that individuals would have. Break down the economic barriers restricting financial activity and you will see the blossoming of that city on a hill Reagan always chirped about.
The market place would dictate the most efficient way to dole out rights, civil and others.
Well, we see where that has gotten us.
As some people here on DU know, I am just starting to climb my way back to wellness after a terrifyingly fast and deep infection sent me into the hospital for over two weeks. I was sick a week before and am still trying, a week out of hospital, to collect my thoughts and develop my impressions of what was going on outside of my hospital bed.
I am very disappointed in ways that I still cannot articulate.
But the idea that basic rights are still being withheld from many people not because of any rational reasoning but because those who oppose any expansion of rights have almost exclusively wrapped themselves in the cloak of religion.
Opponents of Abortion for any reason at anytime are chirping so loudly about using their tax dollars to allow a woman to exercise control of her own destiny is absurd.
That very idea of using "my tax dollars" for something in the budget that is distasteful is pure bunk. I sure as hell do not want my tax dollars used to invade Iraq. Yet, if I were to voice that argument in a public forum, I would be subject to ridicule.
I know I missed a lot but the more my attention span increases as the fog of illness and the dullness of medication recedes I intend to try to get back to speed.
However, in the end I think it will all be as simple as I thought back in the 1970's. Americans of all strips should be given as equal a shot at controlling their own destiny as possible in a country of over 300 million.
Now if only the democrats would realize that and stop trying to "influence" economic power brokers by allowing them more freedom than the rest of us, we can get back to the business of making our country realize its true potential.