As usual, we had a good response to our call for moderators, and it was extremely difficult to narrow the field down. We had to turn down a number of very qualified people. We hope that everyone who applied to serve as a moderator this turn will consider applying again next term.
A moderator switch is always a little chaotic, so I want to apologize in advance for any problems that may arise over the next few days. Thank you for your understanding.
Please take a moment to say hello to our new moderators, and to express your gratitude to our retiring moderators.
CatWoman cbayer charlie and algernon CrownPrinceBandar Danger Mouse dogday gabby garcia Grateful For Hope greatauntoftriplets Heddi Kerrytravelers krispos42 Lithos madaboutharry maddezmom mvd New Earth petersond pinto proud patriot rasputin1952 RFKHumphreyObama Sirveri The empressof all TygrBright undergroundrailroad unhappycamper WePurrsevere Wickerman wryter2000
And I would like to express my gratitude to the retiring moderators, who did an amazing job during the previous term.
awoke_in_2003 Goblinmonger lostnfound muriel_volestrangler ncrainbowgrrl Puglover Redbear RubyDuby in GA wakemeupwhenitsover NEW MODERATORS: Please log into the private Moderator Forum and introduce yourselves. The moderator forum is in the "My Forums" section at the top of the Latest page. You may have to log out and log back in again to reset your account and access the forum. If you have difficulty finding the Moderator forum, please send a private message to Elad.
RETIRING MODERATORS: Please log out and login again to reset your account to regular member status.
Thank you, moderators! We wouldn't be able to run this place without your help!
Skinner DU Admin