From their "Obama Grants FOXNEWS Interview (Major Garrett will conduct interview in China next week)" thread.
There is actually some nasty shit there...too nasty for me to copy & paste here.
To: LoneStarGI
Will Fox toss the assh*le soft balls?
Hope not.
4 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:01:29 PM by FormerACLUmember (Socialism is an opportunistic infection of the body politic. It occurs when defenses are low.)
To: LoneStarGI
So, Zero finally figured out taking on a major network was not the smartest political move?
6 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:03:18 PM by colorado tanker (What's it all about, Barrrrry? Is it just for the power, you live?)
To: LoneStarGI
Beck or Hannity should do the interview.
8 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:05:14 PM by albie
To: LoneStarGI
Will there be enough Lysol to spray down the whole FOX network?
9 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:05:42 PM by bgill (The framers of the US Constitution established an entire federal government in 18 pages.)
To: LoneStarGI
I have other plans that night. Whatever night it is. I have to pick my nose.
18 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:08:33 PM by mrsmel
To: albie
No, I want Rush to do the interview, appropriately billed as the: INTERVIEW OF THE MILLENIUM.
19 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:08:33 PM by seoul62
To: seoul62
I want Rush to do the interview
I bet whoever could pull that off would get the highest ratings in TV history. Too bad Zero isn't man enough to handle a tough interview.
21 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:09:59 PM by mnehring
To: Domandred
I’d pay even more money to see him field questions from Mark Levin or Michelle Malkin.
22 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:10:37 PM by Hoodat (For the weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.)
To: LoneStarGI
France lasted longer against the Nazis than Obama did in his war with Fox News.
31 posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:14:50 PM by Rockingham