attacking Dean around the clock and he is STILL pressing on.
Kerry's entire campaign became about attacking Dean and he was rewarded with falling numbers. Even Sharpton had his shinning performances until he went for Dean and now he is barely there. Now the media is picking up the baton BIG TIME to drag Dean's momentum... Wait until your candidate gets some traction and lets see if he can't take the will be wishing that day of reckoning never came.
"Democrats’ Attacks on Dean Enhance Bush’s Re-election Prospects
It is not the increasingly likely prospect of Howard Dean’s nomination that could lead to a Democratic defeat in November, it’s his opponents’ attacks against him. As Dick Gephardt, John Kerry and Joe Lieberman see themselves lagging in the polls running up to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary later this month, their campaigns are engaging in increasingly desperate attacks against the front-runner for their party’s nomination.
Criticizing a candidate’s positions on important policy issues is certainly valid...However, deliberately misrepresenting a candidate’s position, particularly in language that will almost certainly be used against him in the general election by the opposing party, is irresponsible. Last month, a political group with close connections with Gephardt and Kerry campaigns unleashed television spots in New Hampshire which alternated Dean’s face with Osama bin Laden, warning that “Howard Dean cannot compete with George Bush on foreign policy.”
...However, given that Gephardt and Kerry have supported Bush’s invasion of Iraq, supported Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan, and support Bush’s backing of Israeli occupation forces, it is not surprising that they would want to attack anyone who would offer any kind of bold challenge to Bush’s foreign policy leadership.
This is just one of a number of examples of how Gephardt, Kerry, and Lieberman are acting, in the words of the New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, as if they are “more interested in tearing down Howard Dean than in defeating George Bush” by launching “vitriolic attacks that might as well have been scripted by Karl Rove.” Indeed, while Dean and his supporters have repeatedly called on his fellow Democratic contenders to focus their attacks on Bush, most of them seem to prefer to attack him instead...
Indeed, the New York Times reported on December 26, in reference to the Bush campaign, “They plan to use the Democrats’ words to attack Dean in their ads, meanwhile keeping Bush personally above the fray.”