http://clark04.com/press/release/159/For Immediate Release
Date: January 8, 2004
Bush's Visit to Tennessee: "Leave No Check Behind"
Little Rock - Today, President Bush went to Knoxville, Tennessee to raise money. On the way to his big money fundraiser, Bush did a drive-by event at a school to highlight his "No Child Left Behind Act."
The "No Child Left Behind Act," as implemented by President Bush, has been a failure. It imposes new mandates on states and local communities, but doesn't give them the resources they need to succeed. It focuses too narrowly on tests and punishments, and too little on ensuring that every child can learn and succeed.
"Today, President Bush takes his 'Leave No Check Behind' tour to Tennessee. While Bush values his donors more than our children, Wes Clark wants to put our children first. Wes Clark believes that when you get a good education, you can achieve anything - no matter where you start, no matter what your background might be," said Bill Buck, the Clark campaign's National Press Secretary.
"America needs a higher standard of education leadership, and Wes Clark will provide it. He will make public education our nation's top priority. The quality of our public education system is critical to our social and economic strength. And public schools are the backbone of that system. We must do more than impose mandates without funding if we are serious about leaving no child behind."
http://clark04.com/press/release/161/For Immediate Release
Date: January 9, 2004
Wes Clark On Flat Job Numbers
Little Rock - The Labor Department reported this morning that the economy gained only 1,000 jobs in December, falling about 145,000 jobs short of what forecasters expected. Since President Bush took office, America has lost three million private sector jobs.
"Over the past couple of months, President Bush has all but declared 'Mission Accomplished' on an economy that is still not generating jobs and that is losing manufacturing jobs each and every month," said Clark. "I think it's time that George W. Bush loses his job so that we can put the American people back to work."