Dean in many ways can be compared to Bush but he is like a mirror opposite of Bush in many ways (the Anti-Bush). I will point out the similarities and differences:
Similarities: -Both came from rich families -both had fathers with the same name. -both have the same number of letters in their first and last names -both can be aggressive in pursuing what they want. -both did drink too much in their youth. -both had siblings that died. -both raised in Republican families. -both governers before running for President. -both went to Yale Differences: -Dean is smarter than Bush. -Dean is his own man who made his way in the world, while Bush traded on his family name. -Dean is more conservative with his money as well as other people's money than Bush. -Bush stayed Republican, Dean became a Democrat. -Dean balanced the budget in Vermont. Bush unbalanced it in Texas -Dean is mentally balanced and Bush is mentally unbalanced. -Dean quit drinking earlier in his life than Bush. -Dean actually earned the degrees he got. Bush was awarded his through social promotion. -Bush gets corporate support, Dean gets grassroots support.
In a way Dean is like a light mirror for Bush. Or Bush is a dark mirror for Dean. This is my inane post for the day.