My worry a few months ago was that the primary vote would be so widely splintered that, by sheer name recognition alone, Joe "Regular Joseph" Lieberman would win.
I'm glad to say the obvious: that is almost certainly not going to happen. Not only is Joe low in bank, but Clark and Dean are way above the others, and while Dean is edging Clark, it's an open contest between these two and these two only.
Joe hasn't a chance. He hasn't the cash, he hasn't the love, and with TNR's endorsement, he's got the kiss of death this primary season. I mean, could you imagine Lieberman being our Party's champion in the 2004 elections? What a dispiriting joke that would be, rooting for this deluded-John-McCain-wannabe.
Say what you will: whether Dean or Clark wins, they'll have deserved their victories. And they'll go into the race with enthusiasm and wide support.
P.S. For real: I have a co-worker who met Lieberman, and said he breath really stunk. Somehow I can imagine that.
P.P.S. You all have seen right?