Edited on Sun Oct-03-04 12:43 PM by GiovanniC
I need to find the forms that have Bush checking the "do not wish to serve overseas" box and the letter from Kerry requesting dangerous swift boat duty in order to rebut this piece of shit letter in today's newspaper. Also, if you have any other points you think I should bring up, they're much appreciated also.
Let's get two facts straight:
One, John Kerry did not "volunteer" for the Navy some 35 years ago. He enlisted just like George W. Bush did in the Navy's version of the National Guard, which is the Naval Reserve. The difference is that Kerry's Naval Reserve unit got called up while Bush's Air Force National Guard unit did not. So stop with the "Kerry served his country while Bush didn't" routine. Isn't it interesting that the liberal crowd didn't bring this up when Clinton was running for president (Clinton really did avoid the draft while George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole really were war heroes).
Second, John Kerry didn't support the Vietnam War before going over there. Much is made of his "wrestling with his conscience" when he was over there and as a result, switching his view of the war. If you look at his college writings before he went to Vietnam, you'll see that he had always disagreed with it. He just kept it to himself when he was in Vietnam. But now that being in the military is popular, he's singing a different tune, like he always supported the military.
If this isn't true, then why did he buy up and stop any further publication of his "A New Kind of Soldier" book that he wrote some 30 years ago? This book is a real slap at the American military and is vehemently anti-Vietnam war. Whatever your views on the Vietnam war, why would Kerry want to stop re-publication of this book unless it reflected very negatively on him now?
If you want to vote for John Kerry because of his politics, fine. But don't vote for him because of these lies that he's trying to foist on the American people.
Dave Maynard
Thanks in advance, everyone.