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Kerry's Lighter Side

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kerryistheanswer Donating Member (249 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:38 AM
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Kerry's Lighter Side
Another reason why I think the world of John Kerry -

Kerry's lighter side rolls on

By Patrick Healy, Globe Staff, 1/11/2004

ABOARD THE REAL DEAL EXPRESS, Iowa -- The folk singer Peter Yarrow was serenading his old pal John Kerry and the presidential candidate's traveling press when the Peter, Paul, and Mary legend leaned across the aisle of the campaign bus and planted a major smooch on the cheek of a comely television reporter.

The bus, reporter included, erupted in laughter. A chuckling Kerry also chided his friend, the godfather of his daughter Alex, to keep it tame on the Real Deal Express. But a few minutes later, Yarrow was back strumming on his guitar and inching toward the newswoman. Kerry's hands then shot up in between her face and Yarrow's, leaving no doubt that the senator's perfect manners include gallantry.

"Peter, enough!" Kerry bellowed.

The lighthearted personality of John Forbes Kerry has perhaps never been on such public display than on his luxury caravan -- which borrows his campaign's slogan for a name -- or in quieter moments, especially late at night when he tends to relax the most. Longtime friends watching him on the road in Iowa and New Hampshire say the same things as reporters who have been around him for just a few months: There's a lot to Kerry that many voters don't see.

To wit: The man loves -- loves -- Hostess chocolate cupcakes. Although he insists wife Teresa has ruled them off-limits, his sweet tooth sometimes overrules her.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:47 AM
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1. One of the things I STILL like about Sen. Kerrys...
... is his wit. Wit can be a devastating weapon, if one knows how to use it properly. :)
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