Yepsen: There's cause for pause
Register Political Columnist
Howard Dean's bashing of the Iowa caucuses on Canadian Public Television four years ago isn't the sort of thing that's going to cost him much support in Iowa today, but it is just one more thing that makes undecided Democrats wary of him. For a guy trying to close some sales here, NBC's story about his comments couldn't have come at a worse time.
He can be thankful that Senator Tom Harkin rushed in and endorsed him. It helped Dean change the subject. (The only way to change a media feeding frenzy is to toss the pack some fresh meat to frenzy about.) To borrow an old rural phrase, Harkin made a silk purse out of a sow's ear by saying Dean's fast lip reminded him of Harry Truman's. Dean's talk first, think later style is even a bit like the senator's, who, after a long career in Iowa politics, has lost a few toes because of mouth problems.
An endorsement of a guy who is a front-runner isn't exactly courageous. Nor is the endorsement likely to deliver tons of votes to Dean at this late date because we don't have machine politics in this state. Personal endorsements - as opposed to those special-interest ones - don't "deliver" much. Most of the people in Harkin's organization are already working for candidates of their own choosing.