The invitation is below - this fundraiser has been totally developed by people who are new to political events. They have put a ton of effort into this and want to make it accessible to all. Please come if you can - you never know who you might meet!
(invitation below)
...John Ashcroft, The Patriot Act, Halliburton, Dick Cheney, Shock and Awe, Preemptive War, Mercury Poisoning, Tom DeLay, Unilateralism, WMD, Federal Marriage Amendment, Suspension of Habeas Corpus, OutSourcing, Paul Wolfowitz, Abu Graib, Torture. The Highest Deficits in our Nation's History. The Lowest Standing in the World our Country has ever Endured. All brought to you by The Bush Administration... You, Your Family, and All People of Conscience in Alabama are cordially invited to attend a fund-raising rally for the John Kerry for President Campaign to be held at The Alabama for Kerry Campaign Headquarters, 205 20th St. North, Frank Nelson Bldg., on Saturday, July 17th, 4-7pm. This rally is being organized by individuals not heretofore involved in politics looking for a meaningful and effective way to express our support for Senator John Kerry, a man of integrity, experience and the next President of the United States, and our strongest disapproval of the Bush administration and its policies. A $50 donation per family is suggested, more is welcome. We will briefly discuss several worthy contribution options, so please bring your checkbook. If you are one of the 3 million people in this country who has lost their job in the Bush Recession, or one of the 40 million Americans who live without health insurance, please feel obligated to bring only your voter registration card and a friend. We especially urge you to bring your children, so that they may experience positive political activism firsthand and understand that there is a large and ever-growing community of conscience in this state. Dress casual, light hors d'oeuvres, soft drinks; ID required for wine or beer. To RSVP please contact The Alabama for Kerry Campaign Headquarters at www.alabamaforkerry.com, or call 326-3366. Reply deadline: Thursday, July 15th. We strongly urge you to forward this e-mail to all who may share our values and concerns and wish to attend and/or contribute. *Free Public Parking on the street (weekends), modest charge for parking in the deck on 2nd Avenue North, between 20th St. N. and R. Arrington Blvd.