They buzz around us and maybe they might be carrying something lethal, but mostly they're just a friggin' annoyance!!
Me and my husband (maybe I should write "huzband" to distinguish us from hetero marriages) have been married for nearly 18 years (our anniversary is Sept. 20 and it will be 18 years).
And we've lived all of those years here in Huntsville, Alabama (we had our marriage ceremony at the "chapel" at the Green Mountain Nature Trail).
To these stupid, ignorant hate-mongering ************'s, I say "**** you!" or maybe I should say "Cheney you"!!!
Ignore them at our peril!!! I personally hate guns, but with these lowlife violent cretins at our doorstep I'm glad my huzband bought a gun a couple of years ago (you have no idea how pissed I was at first: he said "better to seek forgiveness, than to seek permission" oh, but how I was fuming at that, but...). Their hatred seems boundless. I'll protect both myself and my huzband should these detestable scumbags try anything towards us or our family. I haven't yet fired the gun to familiarize myself with it, but I grew up around guns, so I'm sure I'll know how if it comes to the point that these sick ***** want it to get to. I don't have to love guns to know how to use them.
Sorry for the dark violent rant, but here lately I've been feeling very paranoid. And very overwhelmed.
We pose zero threat to these people, why do they want to **** with us? I don't comprehend this hatred, though having been born in Alabama and lived most of my life here, I know it through and through.
But it does seem to be getting worse here lately.
sorry for the longish rant....
"Alabama, the Beautiful"... it's true if you know how to see it.