If we are to get some control back in Texas (or else where) we have to show people we are ready to take the issues to the mat. Here in Texas we have people in and out of state who are just pissed off that people in New Orleans. We have to remind these people, get them involved, get them established, get them REGISTERED TO VOTE. I am not an organizer or planner. Just a guy who thinks that with the right campaign we can give the REP. a run for their money down here in Texas or in the whole of the south.
Here are the issues as I see them:
- if the storms had been a terrorist attack we would have been screwed. this was not 9-11 we had 4 weeks to prepare.
- the Reps. where prepared for the storm (they where setting up construction contracts for there buddies)
- it wasn't a matter or black or white in New Orleans it was a matter that the poor (uneducated, non-voting poor)where left to suffer.
I am willing to work very hard for this effort. Can anyone help me? We need to:
-get these people established as citizens of the state they are in so the REP. Party cannot block them at the voting booth in the 2008 elections.
-remind them of what the REP. party did for them in the first 24 - 72 hours after the storm.
- get other states in the south doing the same thing.