I have some sympathy for principled opposition to hate-crime laws, in that it makes some murders and assaults more "serious" than others. I also see the need to protect minorities, and concede that these statutes may help do that.
What really confounds me is that these people can pass a law to protect people based on "race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or physical or mental disability," yet refuse to do the same thing for sexual orientation. It's almost "permission by omission." If you want to kill a black person, just make sure he's gay first. :crazy:
And it's not just Republicans.
Senator Roger Bedford, a Democrat, said he supports having extra punishment for a crime committed because of something the victim can’t change, such as their race or a physical or mental defect, but he said sexual orientation should not be included.
“Your sexual orientation is a choice, and that can be changed,” he said.
Well, maybe Bedford can change to gay for a day or two to see things from another viewpoint.
In addition to being a bigoted idiot, Bedford is also a crook, by the way.