I don't remember the last time I went to church; it was probably one Easter. However, I do fully embrace the TRUE message of Christianity, which is pretty much 180 degrees to the message of today's far-right "religious" conservatives. They, whether they realize it or not (and I believe that many, if not most, in the upper levels of government do realize it), make a mockery of Jesus Christ.
I genuinely enjoy hearing your memories from an earlier time. In some obvious ways those days were much worse than today, but they were also simpler and more authentic. Nowadays we are bombarded by such a surreal cacophony of propaganda and deceit, it is some wonder that there is even a single sane American citizen left. If today's corporate media had been around in the 1860's, I'm almost certain that slavery would be legal to this day.
Sincerely, I hope that our once great country has not regressed beneath a depth of no return, but as the weeks and months and years pass, I become increasingly concerned that the true greatness of the United States Of America has been swallowed up, chewed up, and spit out, by greed-driven hypocrites and liars in $2,000 suits, preaching Jesus while screwing, literally and figuratively, sixteen-year-old boys and girls.
George Bush is often, on this board, compared to a chimp, but I think that is unfair to chimpanzees. Bush has sought and, amazingly, acquired powers that are truly dictatorial. He can now spy on us, unsupervised by any court. He can even have us locked up, even on a whim, on his say-so alone. Our families don't have to be notified. We can't even challenge our detention in any court. This in the United States Of America.
I don't know what the future will bring, but I'm not particularly optimistic. It will, in all probability, come down to one man, and his name is Anthony Kennedy.