Re:Marshall County Republican Party Chairman IM's??
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2006, 02:28:02 PM »
(Sent to Matt Drudge Oct 15, 06)
Dear Mr. Drudge;
We need some help in Alabama with a timid, possibly deceptive major media outlet.
A partially reported story by WAFF48 News, the local NBC affiliate in Huntsville Alabama, involves a County Republican Party Chairman, Jason Upton, owner of multiple Dominoe's Pizza franchises. A well documented accusation of homosexual sexual har**ment of an employee at one of his franchises, conducted by Mr. Upton through instant messages, was reported by WAFF48.
The story has expanded to involve a District Judge, Tim Riley, the Governor, Bob Riley, and officials of our Dept. of Human Resources who deal with battered and abused women and children. WAFF48 apparently intends to end the story without airing any of the details beyond the initial actions of Mr. Upton. I believe this is primarily because they do not want the people of Alabama to know of involvement by our District Judge, DHR personnel and our Governor while they are approaching an election day.
The facts reported by Georgi Bragg, a WAFF48 investigative reporter involve documented instant messages. See Link: refuses to air the following well documented parts of the story.
1.) They will not air Upton's **ociation with the Marshall County Republican Party. They will only say (on their website) that he is a "former Chairman". He resigned days before a sympathetic judge (you'll see why so sympathetic in a moment), had to finally release a gag order on the allegations against Upton. Upton himself explained the unusual gag order by saying the judge knew the "political ramifications".
2.) They know the judge switched parties at the latest possible date, from Democrat to Republican, with the aid of Upton, in order to run the race he is currently conducting. – No report on this.
3.) The Alabama Republican Party replaced Upton and disbanded their Marshall County website (which had his name prominently posted all over it), days before the judge released the gag order. WAFF48 will only say he is a former chairman. They replaced him with an unknown local school teacher. – No reporting.
4.) A home for abused women and children, Homeplace, heavily supported by both Democrat and Republican politicians including the Ala. State Senate incumbant Robert Aderholt (he braggs of acquiring $60K for it recently), is renting large office space to Upton INSIDE the home for (an unsubstantiated $100 a month). WAFF48 is burying this information in plain sight by not stressing to Alabamians how the building is used or inquiring about the business deals.
5.) Upton has some official **ociation with the Alabama DHR and has some input as to the accommodations of it’s client children. --- No reporting here.
6.) Governor Bob Riley has had the sealed file on this case for months, in spite of the judge’s gag order. – No reporting of this.
Mr. Drudge, there are allegations (unsubstantiated) coming out that this man has used his money and political influence to squelch other instances of his inappropriate contact with minors who work in his Dominoe’s franchises. Dominoe’s basically says that what a franchise owner does inside his franchise is none of their business. The political machines here in Alabama both seem to be determined to bury and ignore this. I know that most of the people who have tried to get this aired are Republicans. They don’t have a political agenda except that they don’t want anybody in either party using our public offices to defend their immoral or illegal behavior.
WAFF48 has done several 15 second spots on this story. They may say they have reported on some of these items. If they have, they have glossed over it with no depth or follow up. Hidden in plain sight, to cover their reputation.
The link above contains more than was actually aired by WAFF48, and for the rest, substantiated and not, go to:, comments about news stories, Marshall County Republican Party Chairman IM’s ??
Thank you for your time,
I have admired your work since you began DrudgeReport and visit it daily,If you aren’t able to help us, I would appreciate your estimation of what media outlet might be helpful. You are welcome to forward or use the information of the body of this email in any way.
Thank you;