I guess you are right. What we need is someone who has a progressive workers agenda. I like what I've heard of Vivian Beckerlie in Mobile, but I doubt she'll win against Bonner. I think our biggest problem is we are fiftieth on the education list, or 49th. We are always in competition with Mississippi! You'll notice that the lower the state is on the education list, the more republican they seem to be. We are also, predictably, at the bottom of a lot of other lists, including worker pay. Somehow the message needs to get out that we in Alabama are the poorest in the nation, and that Democrats are generally better at helping the poor, working or not.
Add to that, I believe we, and the nation, are having severe problems in getting the people out to vote, who would normally be our constituents. It is partly that lack of fire in the Belly, the Huey Long kind of fire. It has been a long time since people saw Democrats fight for the rights of the poor, and when they don't see much of a difference, they don't vote. This is particularly true in the black community, where Old White men of both parties have written laws to lock up their youth for progressively longer times, with mandatory sentences, and make felonies out of what should've been misdameanors, them taking away their right to vote.
Finally, there has been no fight on the liberal front. We've run away from the word liberal, when instead we should've embraced it. If someone uses the word negatively, we should hammer them. Ask if they approve of worker safety, ask if they want to reinvent forced child labor, or take away food safety measure. Inquire if they want to do away with the 40 hour work-week, and overtime (Oh wait, Republicans have already done that). There are tons of great things liberals have done, and we need to point those out, rather than run away from some things liberals stand for that they may not like.