Preying on voters in Christ's nameElection season is upon us and it's open season on voters. Chief among those who prey upon voters are groups that take Christ's name in vain by calling themselves Christian and profaning Christ's sanctuary by distributing voter guides in it. If one analyzes their guides, one may find them decidedly un-Christian.
Christian Action Alabama distributes voter guides based on questionnaires sent to candidates. One questionnaire asks 39 questions, but only 19 cover religious issues.
The other 20 questions suggest that CAA loves reducing corporate taxes and reducing punitive damages on corporations. It also loves "activist judges" who rule for corporations, and hates those who rule against them. That's CAA's corporate agenda.
Conspicuously absent are questions about feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, taking in strangers, clothing the naked and ministering to the sick. That's Christ's agenda.
Somewhere on the road to church to hand out voter guides, CAA dumped Christ; but with brazen arrogance, it continues to call itself a Christian group.
ANDChrist's agenda not this group'sElection season is upon us and it's open season on voters. Chief among those who prey upon voters are groups that take Christ's name in vain by calling themselves Christian and profaning Christ's sanctuary by distributing voter guides in it. If one analyzes their guides, one may find them decidedly un-Christian.
Christian Action Alabama distributes voter guides based on questionnaires sent to candidates. One questionnaire asks 39 questions, but only 19 cover religious issues. The other 20 questions suggest CAA loves reducing corporate taxes and reducing punitive damages on corporations. It also loves "activist judges" who rule for corporations and hates those who rule against them. That's CAA's corporate agenda.
Conspicuously absent are questions about feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, taking in strangers, clothing the naked, and ministering to the sick. That's Christ's agenda.
Somewhere on the road to church to hand out voter guides CAA dumped Christ, but with brazen arrogance it continues to call itself a Christian group.
Brannon Walden