and if one occurred or was in the making, were more than willing to go along for the ride.
You see, the "True Believers" at AEI, HF, PNAC, etc. are heavy on words but slow on action. They were to provide the "intellectual" (perhaps the grossest misuse of a word ever) underpinnings for an revenge attack.
My own take is that these guys were so in thralled by the attention that the BushCo, Big Oil, etc. were paying to them that they missed what the real purpose of war with Iraq was: it was to stop Saddam from becoming the Napoleon of the Middle East. Baathist ideology was founded by a Christian Socialist in Lebanon and is a pan-Arab movement. It is secular and "Arab Socialist", i.e., not a creature of Marx, Lenin or Mao, per se.
The Sunnis in the monarchies were dangerous for their threat of bringing a republic into being that transcended existing borders, and Saddam had the money and initial support of the West to begin it with the Kuwait invasion. The Shiites were "too religious" and tied to Iran, the hereditary enemy of the Sunni Arabs, and too close for comfort...being nextdoor, hence able to stop the tap from flowing thru the Gulf.
We played a dangerous game in "the enemy of my enemy" period of "revanche against Iranian occupation of our embassy" by enabling Saddam to rebuild and advance his war machine against the Iranians and then playing footsie with the Taliban and al Qaeda against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.
I think that Big Oil's greatest fear is that the oil will be nationalized and the "French Revolution" will spread in Iran and Iraq. They are terrified that the tap will start to flow full force, driving the price of oil DOWN! and the corporate profits come to a stop for stupid altruistic things like schools, hospitals, new housing, etc.