hunting, lately!
For some of my finer work, I suggest
http://screechingrats.wordpress.comMy penultimate is an analysis of the Republican candidates. Probably my best line is my critique of Hukabe: "No longer fat so no longer jolly."
The Times Daily ditched my critique of the Mormon religion in which I said it wasn't popular where I stays at, due to the fact that the three of the Southern Food Pyramid's bases, viz., alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine are taboo in Mormonlandia, and I had to audacity to suggest I'd rather have my favorite dog share the Celestial Kingdom than a sealed spouse, as I believe most southerners had.
I may be going back to Tuscaloosa in order to persue my PhD: topic of dissertation to be "Creation of the librarian as agent of anti-americanism, from Reagan to Bush II".
Or I may just stay with the indegeneous peasantry up here North-of-the-Tennessee, where at least my worst fear in life is being forced off the road in the mountains and forced to work in a meth lab and buck dance for the chemists' entertainment. But they still are my people! And I ought to be safe if I just avoid anywhere east of Madison County.