A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
"After the American Revolutionary War the Continental Army was quickly disbanded as part of the Americans' distrust of standing armies, and irregular state militias became the sole ground army of the USA, with the exception of one battery of artillery guarding West Point's arsenal. However, because of continuing conflict with Native Americans, it was soon realized that it was necessary to field a trained standing army. The first of these, the Legion of the United States, was established in 1791."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army#History_of_organization_of_armiesThe Bill of Rights was written in 1789, when there was no standing army and U.S. 'military' was mainly composed of state militias. Citizen soldiers.
So I read it not as necessarily a 'personal' right.
By reference to the "right of the people" the writers of the bill could have meant the right of the nation, and not the right of individuals.
Having said that, I have no problem with responsible people owning and using guns. The operative word being 'responsible'.
However...I am in favor of firearms use licensing.
In order to get a driver's license, you must demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in operating a motor vehicle in a safe manner.
You don't have to own a car to get a driver's license.
The same should go for gun use licensing.
Anyone who can demonstrate the ability to safely operate a firearm could be licensed.
They wouldn't necessarily have to own a gun.