Jerry Elijah Brown?
Jerry, former head of the Auburn's journalism department, has written a fascinating family history detailing how his ancestors came as pioneers to an area known as Mitchum Beat in Clarke County. While doing his research, Jerry learned that his long deceased, beloved grandfather had been jailed for complicity in the murder of one of the men in the mob who attacked Mitchum Beat in 1894. This attack was the result of the murder of a cotton broker who had lent money to one of the farmers in the Mitchum community.
This war could best be described as a class war. Race was not an issue because the people doing the fighting were all white and some on each side had owned slaves and had volunteered and then fought in the Confederate Army.
The Mitchum War still reverberates in Clarke County.
Around 10 years ago, Tom Franklin, an award winning author, wrote a novel based on this war called Hell at the Breach. When I googled the title, I discovered that the Guardian, an English newspaper, had reviewed it back in 2004. Obviously, the novel had a wide circulation.
Hope someone will discuss the MItchum War or either of these books with me.