From Alaskans for Peace & Justice
"CALLING ALL PEOPLE OF SPIRIT AND HEART! MAKE PEACE NOT WAR - BUILDING THE PEACE MOVEMENT IN ANCHORAGE These are remarkable times where we are called to deeply examine our core values and to act on them because there is so much at stake. Sitting on the sidelines, watching and commenting (usually only to those who agree with us) is no longer an option. Don't wait 'till 2008!
Thursday, Oct. 20 will be an evening devoted to exploring how to build the Peace Movement in Anchorage. The event will be held at 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm on on the UAA Campus in the Social Sciences Building (SSB) Room 118 (lecture hall, formerly CAS 118). Parking is in the East Campus Central Lot. It is the first parking lot (adjacent to the new parking garage) off of Alumni Loop, from UAA Drive, which is between Northern Lights Blvd. and Providence Dr.
WE WERE THERE. First, a panel discussion by folks from the Anchorage area who attended the huge demonstration against the Iraq war held in Washington, DC on Sep. 24. People will give a short presentation on why they went and how it felt to be part of such an historic event. Several panel members are veterans from both the first Gulf war and the Vietnam war. Dr. Dan Klein will be the moderator. We will also have a short video clip and some photos from the march. WHERE TO FROM HERE? The public is invited to discuss how to build on the momentum of the 24th and how best to advance the Peace Movement in Anchorage. With polls showing majority opposition to the war, it is time to encourage broader participation and active involvement in the growing Peace Movement. We hope to discuss specific actions that people would be interested in supporting such as the following:
o Raising money for families affected by the war o Cultural dimensions of Peace work (music, art, dance, etc.) o Alternative media promotion (films, articles for Insurgent49, etc) o Demonstrations and marches o How to move beyond being "against!" to advocating "for" (vision!) o Peace vigils such as at the Federal Bldg every Friday noon o GI Rights Counseling (training to be available in Alaska in January) o Countering military recruitment in the high schools (see No Child Left Unrecruited) o Speakers' bureau to talk with school groups, veterans groups, etc. o Door to door leafleting and other person-to-person contacts o Letter-writing campaigns and calls to local talk radio stations o Asking local and state government bodies to pass resolutions (calling for troop withdrawals, ending the occupation, etc.) o Encouraging involvement of other progressive organizations, particularly churches.
We will provide signup lists for each of these and others that may be raised during the evening. We hope to put like-minded people together to go forth and be creative, active and most of all loving. If one of these Peace activities appeals to you, let me know if you would be willing to help organize the folks who sign up so that you stay in touch, set some goals and move forward.
Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in attending or anyone you want to remind that the Peace Movement is MOVING!
Sponsored by Alaskans for Peace & Justice"
:) Your very own Blue_in_AK will be on the panel and sharing photos from September 24-26 in DC. :)