The Republican party in Alaska is in complete and utter SHAMBLES!!! We could add some of the info on there, but I'm telling you -- we're dealing with a corrupt, greedy Governor, an old "king of the pork" U.S. Senator who threatened to quit if he didn't get the money for the bridge to nowhere...
A dirtball son of that same U.S. Senator who himself is a state senator and who is in major deep doo doo, the head hancho of the Alaska GOP who was busted on Ethics violations.. 7 of the top Department of Natural Resources employees walked off their jobs with the Governor TODAY, and did we tell you.. our Governow's approval ratings are only slightly better than Taft's in Ohio.
That party is in complete SHAMBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
I don't even know where to start.. Those few things don't even begin to tell the problems the GOP in this state has.!.gif