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repugs eat their own or "just add salt"

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cleofus1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-03-06 09:36 PM
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repugs eat their own or "just add salt"
Edited on Fri Mar-03-06 09:37 PM by cleofus1
Republican Troy Maulden is running for Lt. Gov...


From : Troy Maulden <>
Sent : Friday, March 3, 2006 11:55 AM
To :
Subject : More Irresponsible Actions By the Alaska Republican Party Leadership


Its irresponsible and unfortunate that an elected officer of the Alaska republican party vice chair (Rhonda Boyles) would be defending and discounting one candidate over another. Vice chairman of the Alaska Republican party in the below editorial choose to backhand Sarah Palin while defending John Binkley. As it has been discussed in editorials and talk radio that John Binkley and Sean Parnell are hand picked candidates of the party elite (Randy Ruedrich and Frank Murkowski). This letter by Rhonda Boyles is another piece of obvious evidence of what is being said is true. She is trying to defend Randy Reudrich's and Frank Murkowski's agenda. What she obviously doesn't want to discuss how Randy Reudrich and Frank Murkowski hand picked John Binkley and Sean Parnell to keep the "MORE OF THE SAME' agenda alive in Alaska and to keep Randy Reudrich as our corrupt and irresponsible party chair and the Frank Murkowski legacy to live on. Randy Ruedrich and is army are in fu ll control of the money flow to his candidates (Binkley and Parnell). I must applaud Mark Kelsey (Editor of the frontiersman) for his right on target editorial. Unfortunately for Rhonda Boyles the truth hurts and will only come to defend their rubber stamped candidates that will carry the Murkowski-Ruedrich flag.



To the editor:
Political campaigns should be about issues and ideas. As a 30-year resident of Alaska and frequent visitor to the Valley, I was disappointed to read the mean-spirited and divisive Frontiersman editorial personally attacking John Binkley and our Alaska Republican Party (“Palin candidacy putting people before party,” Feb. 19). If the only way the Valley newspaper can promote one of its own residents for higher office is by mounting personal attacks on a candidate before the campaigns have even begun, I fear we are in for a long and distasteful election season.
Alaskans who are willing to run for office and subject themselves and their families to this kind of unwarranted abuse should be honored and valued. As an officer of the Alaska Republican Party, I will come to the defense of any Republican candidate who is similarly savaged in the press.

Rhonda Boyles, vice chair
Alaska Republican Party

Editor’s note: The editorial in question did not, by word or implication, besmirch candidate John Binkley personally. The editorial questioned the “party first, people second” mentality of party operatives and the mindset that allows ethically-challenged party chair Randy Ruedrich to maintain a position of prominence. This is the third letter on the subject of the Feb. 19 editorial. Not surprisingly, it is also the third that attempts to spin the editorial into a personal attack on Binkley rather than addressing the issue of open, honest accountable government that comprised the heart of the editorial as well as the message being highlighted by candidate Sarah Palin in her quest for the governorship.

Paid for by Troy Maulden for Lieutenant Governor
P.O. Box 877572 Wasilla, Alaska 99687
907-373-3209 (fax) 907-373-3296

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snowbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-04-06 02:38 AM
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1. Maulden

OMG, he just never goes away, does he?? Troy seriously needs to get a job, or like he always does.. hit his daddy up for money to attend college (assuming he made it through high school?)

He's got no creditionals, no experience, and a fairly lenghthy (questionable history) that anyone can look at on the net through public records. He does make it clear that he was eventually released of all chatges- still....

His poor parents ..I've never met them, but I'm sure that they wish their 30-something year old son would become gainfully employed somewhere.

His daddy bought him a drive-thru coffee business (the Happy Bean) a while back, but it didn't work out for some reason. Too bad.

If he sincerlely wants to get his foot in the door in politics, why doesn't he start by volunteering in his community? I don't want to diss Troy, but once again, he's setting his sites too high and it's nuts that he keeps getting in these races! Troy: Go back to school, try to find a girlfriend, stop getting all stressed about all these races you get into!
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