OMG, he just never goes away, does he?? Troy seriously needs to get a job, or like he always does.. hit his daddy up for money to attend college (assuming he made it through high school?)
He's got no creditionals, no experience, and a fairly lenghthy (questionable history) that anyone can look at on the net through public records. He does make it clear that he was eventually released of all chatges- still....
His poor parents

..I've never met them, but I'm sure that they wish their 30-something year old son would become gainfully employed somewhere.
His daddy bought him a drive-thru coffee business (the Happy Bean) a while back, but it didn't work out for some reason. Too bad.
If he sincerlely wants to get his foot in the door in politics, why doesn't he start by volunteering in his community? I don't want to diss Troy, but once again, he's setting his sites too high and it's nuts that he keeps getting in these races! Troy: Go back to school, try to find a girlfriend, stop getting all stressed about all these races you get into!