8:30 AM 3/08/06Tom McMahon, Democratic Party (democraticparty@democrats.org)To: "Fernando Ortega" <cleofus1@hotmail.com>Subject:
One issue they won?t be talking about
Dear Fernando,
I don't envy the potential 2008 Republican presidential candidates who will be in Memphis this weekend to attend the Southern Republican Leadership Conference. In their speeches in Tennessee, they will be forced to proclaim their support for George Bush's incompetent leadership while his approval rating is at 34%.
I guarantee that one issue they won't be talking about is port security. That is unacceptable. Every one of these candidates for president in 2008 needs to stand up and answer one simple question: Why are Republicans handing over port security to a foreign government?
You can make them answer that very question -- by putting it on a roving billboard truck around Memphis while all of the 2008 Republican presidential candidates are in town. We need to raise $3,500 to make it happen. Take a moment and help fund the billboard truck now:
http://www.democrats.org/portbillboardThe fact is that each one of these future Republican presidential candidates will have to answer for their complicity with the out of touch policies of the Bush administration. Americans have had it with George Bush, who has paid lip service to the priorities of the American people, but refused to put the money where his mouth is.
Americans are angry that the Bush Administration has failed to devote enough resources to catching or killing Osama bin Laden.
Americans are outraged that a formerly powerful Republican Congressman was just sentenced to nearly a decade in jail for taking bribes from defense contractors in exchange for wasting our defense dollars.
Americans are tired of George Bush pushing for more tax giveaways to millionaires while the Republican Congress has failed to secure our ports -- which is why Democrats are fighting for funds for port security to keep American communities safe.
Now the Republican culture of corruption has President Bush auctioning off security at our nations ports to the highest bidder -- even if that means handing it over to a foreign government-owned corporation.
Republican presidential candidates need to start answering these questions right now.
Help put this billboard on the road at their big event this weekend and they won't be able to ignore these issues.
http://www.democrats.org/portbillboardThank you,
Tom McMahon
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