Don't know if you saw this email.
Subject: Fw: Fw: Campaign Issue
Hello to Everyone (Palin, Halcro, Berkowitz, Croft)
I am forwarding a note and responses which I sent to John Binkley about the still unauthorized faciltiy his family has on the Chena River. I am concerned about any candidate running for office who does not have a permit or lease for the use of public land and water. You are welcome to confirm this info. with Chris Milles, Acting Regional Manager in Fairbanks for the Div. of Mining, Land and Water (451-2711, chris_milles@dnr.state.ak.us) . I believe that office is gearing up to pursue once again a request to Binkley to obtain an authorization. Good luck with the race, we certainly need a change from the present governor!! Cheers, Ron
John, Thanks for your response, we have been out of town this past week. I am pleased that you have passed my request along to Alaska Riverways and that they will be in touch with DNR. I am surprised and intrigued by your statement that the company is operating on Chena River with the consent of DNR. Please have your company send a copy of that letter to my address at the bottom of this email. I am glad to hear that the company is willing to pay all fees as I believe your company is long overdue for an authorization. I believe you will find that DNR has issued authorizations to many companies using public waters such as yours. My sincere hope is that your company will promptly step up to the plate. Having a family company using public land and water without a long term authorization is not setting a good example of leadership. Thanks, Ron
Ron and Nan, I am on the road and appreciate your inquiry. I resigned my position with Alaska Riverways, Inc. when I stepped forward to offer myself for public service. Although the State owns the bottom of the navigatable waters in Alaska, I don't believe they can restrict commerce by selectively taxing business. To my knowledge there are many vessels that operate on the navigatable waters of Alaska that are not charged a head tax. Alaska Riverways, Inc. has always been willing to pay whatever fees or taxes that are fairly and consistently applied to all users. Unless something has changed since I left, we are operating with the full knowledge and consent of DNR. I will pass your email on to Alaska Riverways and hopefully they can make certain DNR is aware of and consents to the use. Thank you for your concern and take care. John.
Hello John, I'm glad to see that your running for governor as this administration has been a terrible disappointment. We are ready for new leadership. You have some great credentials and family history which should serve you well. One aspect I believe important is that a candidate be open and up front about all issues. The Riverboat Discovery is a very large and profitable business your family has built up over the years. I was shocked to hear that this business has no authorization or long term lease for your operation on state land, the Chena River. There are many tourist related operations in Alaska which pay a use fee to the state for the privledge to use public land. Having worked for DNR for 28 years and retiring several years back I have continued to follow your lack of authorization and apparent refusal to follow through on DNR decisions, pay back rent use fees for many thousands of clients over the years or obtain a lease. There are other operators in the Fairbanks area who do have authorizations and are paying use fees to the state.
Not having an authorization seems like a serious situation for someone running for governor. I would appreciate knowing what your take is on this situation and what steps you are taking to remedy the problem. I believe it is critical for a candidate to be on the record if the candidate has an unauthorized use occurring on state land. Thanks
Paid for by Troy Maulden for Lieutenant Governor P.O. Box 877572 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 907-373-3209 (fax) 907-373-3296 www.troymaulden.com tmaulden@gci.net