Printed: Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:45 AM
From : Tom McMahon, Democratic Party <>
Reply-To :
Sent : Wednesday, March 29, 2006 6:38 AM
To : "Fernando Ortega" <>
Subject : What do Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean have in common?
Dear Fernando,
I bet you've never thought that when you open up one of these messages for grassroots Democrats across the country, that among the people also reading them would be Republican and disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
What makes us think he's reading? We don't know for sure (if you have Newt's email address, let us know and we'll check the database), but look at what he said in an interview with this weekend. Asked about the sorry situation of his own party and the prospect for Democratic gains, he suggested that Democrats could make the case against Republican corruption and incompetence with a single slogan: "Had enough?"
Governor Howard Dean has been saying exactly the same thing for months as he's traveled the country. In fact, hundreds of thousands of Americans are sporting "Enough is Enough -- Vote Democratic!" bumper stickers printed by the DNC. "We've all had enough -- enough of Republican incompetence, arrogance and corruption," Governor Dean wrote in November after Democrats swept gubernatorial races and won historic victories up and down the ballot.
But Newt is wrong about one thing -- a slogan isn't enough to win this election. We have to be clear what Democrats stand for and build the organization to turn out the vote. That's why we're putting together the biggest, earliest neighbor-to-neighbor door-knocking event in an election year.
Last week nearly 3,000 people who received the email from Governor Dean stepped forward to fund the April 29th Neighbor-to-Neighbor Organizing Day (Newt wasn't among them). You can join them by making your contribution to help make contact with Americans who really have had enough.
Just $50 can put 233 pieces of literature in the hands potential volunteers and potential voters. Can you make a donation?'ve all had enough of the Republican culture of corruption, enough of Republican incompetence, and enough of cronies in important positions. We've had enough of being told to trust a president who has proven untrustworthy, and enough of being told to "stay the course" in Iraq with a strategy that has cost thousands of lives as Iraq descends into civil war.
We are not alone. Poll after poll shows the overwhelming majority of the American people have had enough of the Bush administration and the Republican Congress that refuses to hold it accountable for anything from bogus claims about Iraq to Katrina to illegal domestic spying.
But to make it happen we need to get to work right now. We can't wait -- it's up to us to mobilize Democrats from today through the April 29th canvass and right up through Election Day. Every bit counts. Make a contribution to the Democratic Party by visiting: we all come together, the results in November will make clear that Americans have had enough.
Thank you,
Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee
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