From : Sen. Hollis French <Senator_Hollis_French@legis.state.ak.us> Sent : Friday, March 31, 2006 10:37 AM Subject : Legislative Update: Exxon and ANWR
Voice your opinions! Here are some ways to let your voice be heard regarding issues important to you.
Write a Letter to the Editor – Submit your 225 word letter to the Anchorage Daily News via e-mail letter@adn.com, or fax them to 258-2157, attn: letters to the editor.
Contact the Governor – Governor Murkowski’s Anchorage office may be reached at 269-7450, or e-mail him at frank_murkowski@gov.state.ak.us You can also visit the state website at www.state.ak.us
Contact your Congressional Delegation – Congressman Don Young, Anchorage Office: 907-271-5978 don.young@mail.house.gov
Senator Lisa Murkowski, Anchorage Office: 907-271-3735, EMAIL: Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Senator Ted Stevens, Anchorage Office: 907-271-5915 EMAIL: Sen. Ted Stevens March 31, 2006
Update on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Good news came this week on the Exxon Valdez Reopener issue. In response to public pressure, the Murkowski administration took steps that indicated their willingness to pursue $100 million in damages from the 1989 oil spill that were unanticipated when the state settled its claims against Exxon in 1991.
Earlier this year, Representative Croft and I filed resolutions in both the House and Senate, urging the state and federal governement to apply for the "Re-opener for Unknown Injury" clause in the original Exxon settlement.
Since the spill, scientists have found numerous unanticipated injuries to the spill zone, most notably the 1993 herring population crash.
The Administration has set out a schedule of public hearings to gather more information. In Anchorage, you can testify regarding the re-opener at a public hearing this Saturday, April 8th from 12:00-3:00 at the Loussac Library Assembly Chambers.
Budget Appropriation Raises Eyebrows
A company called Pac/West Communications drew some attention in the Capitol this week when they were granted a $3 million appropriation in a budget bill. The money is supposed to be used to lobby members of Congress to open ANWR.
The first unusual aspect of the arrangement was that the money came in a House “floor” amendment, which means that there was never any committee discussion or debate on the merits of the idea. Additionally, this is the first time in anyone’s memory that the Legislature proposed to give money to a for-profit company. Finally, there was no competitive bid process, which is offensive to those of us who believe in a fair fiscal process.
When the budget containing this item was presented to the Senate on Thursday, I voted “no.”
As always, I am very interested in hearing from you. Please visit my Web site or contact my Juneau office at (866) 465-3892.
Hollis French Alaska State Senator District M - Anchorage