"On the fourth Tuesday of the seventh month when the wind blows from the west, it is legal to catch king salmon in Willow Creek from the Parks Highway downstream for 947.9 linear feet if -- and only if -- the fish are between and 13.7 and 23.2 inches and lack an adipose fin.
What's an adipose fin?
"Adipose" is derived from the Latin "adeps" or "adipis" for "fat." Thus, the "adipose fin" is the "fat fin.''
If the fat fin has been removed, you can keep the fish if it fits within the aforementioned size category and weighs less than 19.4 pounds.
If it weighs more than 19.4 pounds, the Willow Creek weight restriction supersedes the length restriction, and the fish must be released.
Keep in mind, however, that it is illegal to lift the salmon out of the water to weigh it. It must be weighed in the creek in a specially designed weighing cradle available only by mail order from Botswana."