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Does anybody know of ANY polls on the Congressional race?

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Ken Burch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-14-06 06:22 AM
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Does anybody know of ANY polls on the Congressional race?
Just wondering if we had any sense how competetive we are?
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snowbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-14-06 10:18 PM
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1. Not a peep...!.gif ---?

I asked on here a couple weeks ago if anyone had heard from Ivan Moore this campaign season because in year's past (since forever it seems) he's always stayed on top of local races and kept everyone updated on the polls.

This campaign season I haven't seen him at all..

Then the other day, Aaron Selbig on Kudo 1080 radio mentioned that Ivan Moore was super busy preparing to go on the air with yet another progressive radio station! (Not sure what station he'll be on.) But Aaron said that even though it would compete with Kudo, he was just stoked Anchorage was getting another progressive station! )

I heard John Tracey on KTUU say something about the governor's race the other day.. but I was listening to an Aces game on the radio and only caught part of what he said.. He said something about Sarah's lead narrowing and something about Tony being especially strong in Bush Alaska. If he relayed numbers on that race, I didn't catch it.

As far as all the other races.. I haven't heard anything -- nada... zilch... nothing.

I'm guessing with Ivan Moore moving on to bigger and better things, and the Rethug pollster (Dittman) being in trouble (the FBI Veco mess) that this place is wide open for a new pollster to step up to the bat and take over!

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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-24-06 04:29 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. You asked about Ivan Moore
I just got a recorded (I think) message from him inviting me to a fundraiser at his house for Lindsey Holmes tomorrow night. I haven't heard about any polls though.
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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-20-06 02:01 PM
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2. Ken, you might not have seen this article down your way...
It talks about a poll in here, but I'm not so sure I'd trust it. I believe with more articles like this showing how unapproachable Don is, Diane might pick up a lot more support. My guess is there are still a lot of "undecideds" out there.
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spacemanspiff Donating Member (59 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-26-06 11:46 AM
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4. last time I heard Diane was behind by 10 points
...but if Diane got the word out about Don Young being number 3 on Rolling Stone's Top Ten Worst Congressmen list as "Mr Pork"...

some Republicans/Independents might be embarrassed into voting against him
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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-26-06 12:17 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Rumor has it that he's being investigated by the FBI
for his Abramoff/Delay ties and that an indictment is likely to shortly follow the election. We're trying desperately to get the word out BEFORE the election, of course, to increase Diane's chances.

I don't know if you're from Alaska or not (welcome to our forum, in any event), but you might be interested in this editorial piece that appeared in this morning's Anchorage Daily News.

Young's friends
Rogues' gallery gets his support

Published: October 26, 2006
Last Modified: October 26, 2006 at 02:51 AM

Should Alaskans judge a politician by the company he keeps?

Rep. Don Young probably hopes not.

He stood by three corrupt, disgraced fellow Republican congressmen -- even after their troubles were well-known.

Using funds he raised through his own political action committee, Rep. Young sent thousands of dollars to help three colleagues who already were under criminal investigation. All resigned this year. As reported in Tuesday's Juneau Empire, Rep. Young gave a total of $12,500 to help Reps. Tom DeLay of Texas, "Duke" Cunningham of California and Bob Ney of Ohio.

Former House Republican Majority Leader DeLay is under indictment for money laundering. He's charged with hiding the source of money he used to achieve the Republican takeover of the Texas Legislature and then gerrymander Texas congressional districts to elect more Republicans. Cunningham went to jail for taking bribes from defense contractors. Ney was the congressman who lobbyist Jack Abramoff admitted bribing.

This wasn't a case where Rep. Young helped fellow Republicans who later got into trouble. Rep. Young sent them the money after their legal problems were widely known.


Rep. Young believes in "innocent until proven guilty," his campaign spokesman told the Empire.

At least where fellow Republicans are concerned, that is. Rep. Young didn't show similar concern when he voted to give the federal government the power to label someone an "unlawful enemy combatant" and hold the suspect indefinitely, with no recourse to the courts and no right to a timely military hearing.

Also, Rep. Young believes in something called loyalty, his spokesman said.

Loyalty is a fine thing, but at some point it has to give way to accountability. Standing by corrupt colleagues is just the kind of thing a career politician does. Rep. Young thought it more important to circle the wagons around his political friends than to uphold high ethical standards.

Alaska's lone representative in the U.S. House had a choice. He could have distanced himself from his unsavory colleagues or he could have said, "This could all blow over. I'm still staying with you."

By giving financial support to his disgraced Republican colleagues, he said, "I'm still staying with you."

That should make Alaskans wonder what they're getting when they stay with Rep. Young.

BOTTOM LINE: DeLay, Cunningham, Ney -- Don Young gave his help to some unsavory Republican colleagues.

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