Did anyone read the comment from ADN in the "Letters" section? - - Seems that Don Young's office
ASSumed that they weren't printing any letters of support for him.. turns out, they aren't receiving any support letters for him!
From Anchorage Daily News, Sunday 10-16-06Mailbag reflects reader sentiment
From the Letters Desk
Published: October 15, 2006
Last Modified: October 15, 2006 at 03:58 AM
Friday afternoon we got a call from Rep. Don Young's campaign wondering if the Daily News was treating letters about the congressional race with an even hand. The campaign manager said he knows people from across the state send in letters supporting Don Young.
Our response: We can't print what we don't get. We haven't received any letters supporting Don Young. We have been getting letters supporting his Democrat opponent Diane Benson regularly, and we've only run a sampling of those letters, not all of them. This isn't the first time a campaign has called to say we aren't printing letters supporting their side, and that they know we have letters supporting them. I think most people who promise to send a letter don't really bother to. It's possible that a few have trouble figuring out how to send it in by e-mail or U.S. mail.
We keep track of incoming letters about campaigns and print a representative sample. The most hotly contended race (as far as letters go) is for governor. Candidates Sarah Palin and Tony Knowles obviously have organized writers out there to send in letters of support, or letters cutting down the major opponent. These kinds of campaigns don't necessarily mean more letters will find their way to print. We want to give readers a mix of subjects. We leave room for a few campaign letters here and there, making sure the split in political views of the printed letters mirrors the ratio we get.
How do we decide which election letters to run? For starters, letters that exceed the word limit or don't have a daytime phone number are automatically rejected.
Letters that talk in general terms about what a great person a candidate is won't make the cut. Those letters don't really say much more than I know so-and-so and he or she is my friend. We think our readers want to know more about candidates than the fact they have friends. We think readers are best served by reading letters specifically about where candidates stand on an issue, how they are dealing with campaigning and what plans they have while in office.
Yo Don.. it's not the Anchorage Daily News' fault if your dogs ain't barking!