From yesterday's "Ear"
Alaska Ear
Published: October 15, 2006 Last Modified: October 15, 2006 at 04:11 AM
INITIAL HERE ... Don Young, Congressman for All Alaskans Except Ear and a Few Others, gave a nice little speech last weekend at the lighting of the pink tree for breast cancer in Town Square. He told the crowd that included a lot of health care professionals how thrilled he was when he finally talked his wife, Lu, into getting her first "monogram."
Lots of Begich people were there. Earwigs report that the mayor looked sternly at nearby staff members, warning them silently not to dare laugh. A few lips twitched, some eyes rolled, but no one laughed out loud.
On Friday, at the congressional "listening session" about BP's problems, held at Loussac Library, d'Ear Don wanted to know if it was possible to replace some of the steel pipeline on the slope with pipe made of a less corrosive material. He alluded to having a well at his house on the East Coast that originally had copper pipe, but when the copper wore out, they replaced it with new pipe made out of "PCP."
Hmmm. A PCP pipe. That would explain a lot.
Ear assumes he meant PVC pipe.
Has The Divine Appendage mentioned how much fun it is when Don comes home to campaign?