For 33 years, we have had one voice in the U.S. House. That voice has been the voice of Don Young.
At one point, perhaps, Don was a colorful voice, at one point, perhaps he was even somewhat effective.
But now, Don Young is a strident, arrogant, vicious and increasingly embarrassing figure, one that has for too many years now senselessly divided this state against itself and demonized good Alaskans and good Americans simply for disagreeing with his extremist ideology.
With the election of a Democratic congressional majority now a virtual certainty, Don is going to be powerless and irrelevant after this January. We have nothing to lose now by voting him out. We are free to vote for our hopes, instead of our fears. We are free to move on. We need someone new in Congress, a fresh, positive, open-minded representative, one who is the face of the real, modern Alaska, the Alaska where we all work together to solve our problems.
Someone who wants a sustainable economy and knows this can be built WITHOUT destroying our environment.
Someone who knows the importance of strength, the value of peace and the true cost of war.
Someone who will work to help end this war and to heal its warriors.
We need Diane Benson. Please give her your vote on November 7th.