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<-- Me
I guess I wasn't looking at Tony -vs- Ethan or Eric in this General Election. I was considering the possibility of winding up with "Wasilla Barbie".
I'm so stoked about the national elections that it's hard to pout about Alaska though! With Democrats in control, some of the main concerns about Palin I had will actually be quashed.
I know Eric personally from the hockey rinks and I guess I'll be seeing a LOT more of him soon.. and I got to know Ethan at the "Clark Meet-Ups" (he was a Clarkie
) and wow.. I sure hope we haven't seen the last of them!
I'm thinking one of them will be running for Mayor of Anchorage and keeping Sullivan out of the mayor's office when Begich's term is up.
I don't follow Fairbanks politics so I was stunned to see that they ditched Senator Ralph Seekins by such a huge margin! =WOW=!.gif I still remember him from his days of running the Yukon Quest a few years back .. and then taking a puck just above his eye a year or so ago at a Fairbanks Nanooks hockey game (big time shiner and cuts).. and then showing up the next night to watch the next game. I had no idea he had problems in up in Bearflanks, but it just goes to show... we have a big state!
I agree with all of you that Diane did so much better than anyone has EVER done against that slug Don Young and she definitely has a future in Alaska politics!!
What I'm wondering is if Don Young and Dinosaur Stevens will decide to retire than to lose their power and prestige? I sure hope so!!!!!!