I just said that he'll probably run again (Ray Metcalfe)..
There's no telling which party he'll run in. I'll bet over the years he's run in every single party in the state!! But he's a perpetual candidate and where there's election, his mug always seem to show up.
Kinda like poor Thomas Higgins. Guy seems to run for everything!
As far as Halcro goes. I'm guessing he'll show his face in one of the big races coming up in the near future.. (the Trifecta) U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, and Anchorage City Mayor.
I'm putting my guess out there as of today (7-6-07) that regardless of what Halcro runs in, this time he'll run as a Republican..
If anyone thinks otherwise, submit your quess before they start declaring!!
Yup. I'm guessing ol Andy Halcro will revert back from an Independent to an Ugly-Thugly to try to win the r-nomination.. Only thing I can't guess yet.. is which race he'll jump into.