I only caught part of Shannyn's show, so I'm not sure how much I missed..
The mayor stated that he's proved Metcalfe wrong on every allegation he's made of him, but that Ray keeps spouting off to everyone
except for the mayor.. (He's sending Mark e-mails, but he won't respond to the ones he gets back)
Mayor B said that one of the allegations Metcalfe is bitching about.. is how he failed to file a financial disclosure one year on some property he owned. The mayor said that he had filed the year before and the years after, but that there was an oversight and he did miss one filing. He added that he had notified the city clerk of the error, that the info was ammended, and it was taken care of appropriately.
Mayor B also said that Ray is going to the media with his lengthy set of complaints, yet that he refuses to provide the complaints to the public.
Evidently, Ray phoned into the "Bob & Mark" show ---->

..and while on the air, the mayor called in and finally pinned him down
http://www.ktuu.com/Global/story.asp?S=6880932 The whole thing sounds confusing to me!!

But Mayor B will be on CC or Aaron's show tomorrow (I forgot which one they said..

) and he'll be available for anyone who wants to call in with questions.
Shannyn also said that the mayor has been responding to threads over at the politics blog over on the adn. Daring guy.. that place is too nuts for me!!
I'm not sure if Metcalfe has a valid beef or not, but I tend to agree with the mayor that he's doing all of this
now for his upcoming "Ted or Don" run.