Outrageous. Let's be reasonable people. We are all Democrats here and, ostensibly fair-minded, tolerant, diversity promoting individuals. When someone says something you disagree with, automatically jumping right to racism or sexism is plain asinine. Especially when there are stone cold facts to support why someone might make the argument.
And the comment, "And the kind of slams you presented in that post and also in the post I'm now responding to are likely to get picked up by GOP propagandists if Diane does get renominated." Are you freaking serious? You think anything said here hasn't been thought of by Republicans in the LAST election? And I suppose criticizing Bush just gives ammunition to the terrorists? Discouraging the free exchange of ideas on any topic from anyone at any time makes you just as bad as they are.
I believe that Ethan is not only more electable, but is genuinely a better candidate. As a liberal feminist woman, I am basing that on facts and logic, not some imagined desire to put the woman candidate in her place. Let's review facts.
Ethan - Law Degree. - Experienced. Former prosecutor. Former Democratic Leader in the Alaska State House. He's proven he can an effective job as an elected official and under some pretty difficult circumstances. - He has the backing from long standing Alaska democrats - publicly and financially. - He knows how to run a campaign. He knows how to raise some bucks - imperative for anyone going against Don Young's vast war chest. Most importantly, he knows how to WIN. He's run campaigns and won them. Neither Diane nor Jake can say that.
Jake - Law Degree. - Decent experience. Served as a state prosecutor and IBEW Council. Served on city councils and school boards and I believe he held the title of Chairman of the Alaska Democrats. - He has the backing of long standing Alaska democrats - but I don't think to the level of Ethan. - He's won some elections for school board or city council and served as leadership in the Alaska Democrats, but this is obviously a bigger ball of wax.
Diane - Masters in Fine Arts. - Diane has no leadership experience. Read her bio yourself, but I believe the only leadership experience she has was as the international cultural coordinator of Arctic Games that came up here some years ago. - She summarizes HERSELF as: "An Alaskan politician, inspirational speaker, video production consultant, published writer and dramatist." I'm not slamming what she's done, but it just pales in comparison to a state prosecutor and Minority Leader in the Alaska State House. - Diane does not have the backing of long standing Alaska democrats. The democratic party barely supported her last run for Congress and she had a walk through primary. - Diane has run a number of times for various offices, but has never WON an election. - Something else to consider. Her campaign fundraising efforts were ABYSMAL for a congressional candidate. Yet she received 40+% of the vote. This indicates to me that indeed, most of her votes came from people voting AGAINST Don, not firmly supporting HER.
(On a side note, I never understood why Diane didn't run for State House or Assembly, prove she could win, prove she could serve in a leadership role, prove she could do the job of an elected official, gain some relevant experience and THEN aim for a higher position. She insists on running for congress and governor with no relevant experience and loses each time. If she could set her ego aside and try to establish a career as a true public servant before trying for these high-profile sexier positions, she'd do much better the next time around. Just my opinion.)
So based on the FACTS, how can you argue that Diane is a better candidate than Ethan? I just don't see it, but I'd love to hear your argument and promise not to call you anti-semitic or a male-basher. And feel free to critique Ethan's chances... I'm pretty sure the GOP has already thought of those arguements too.