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This week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award winner: Diane Benson

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-22-08 05:31 PM
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This week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award winner: Diane Benson

March 19, 2008

Diane Benson



Mark Peters of New York tells us about this week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award winner:

"I met Diane Benson this morning at my church in New York City, where she told her story as part of Women's History Month. Diane is making a second run as a Democrat for Alaska's sole Congressional seat, having giving the incumbent, Republican Don Young, a serious run for his money two years ago. She spent 15% of what Young spent and received 41% of the vote. Young was closely associated with Jack Abramoff and now federal investigators are looking into his possibly shady practices along with those of other Alaskan politicians.

Young has already spent $850,000 in legal fees to defend himself; a number of other Alaskan legislators are also being investigated, including both Senators and ten members of the state legislature. Diane's son, Latseen, volunteered to serve in Iraq, thinking he could serve his country by fighting those who dared attack us on September 11, 2001. He was severely injured by a roadside bomb and is now paraplegic.

Diane, who always opposed the war but supported her son in his decision to serve, cites him as her major inspiration in taking on the big boys of Alaska politics. She is a member of one of Alaska's native tribes, owner of a small business and a dog musher.

I nominate her for the courage it takes to challenge the status quo in her home state. May she succeed in 2008 where she fell only a little bit short in 2006. Alaska deserves better than Don Young."
Well said, Mark. We agree, especially after reading an Alaska Star article, that Diane Benson merits this week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award.
* * *

Nominated by Mark Peters of Brooklyn, NY.

Dear xxxx

When Diane entered the race for the U.S. Congress for the second time, she knew it would be a challenge. Don Young outspent her more than 10 to 1 in 2006. But, against those odds, Diane received 40% of the vote and built the one of the largest grassroots campaign Alaska has ever seen.

Those results clearly show the people of Alaska speaking out against the corruption in our government and demanding honesty and integrity in our elected officials.

This time around, we will not allow another candidate to buy a seat in office and continue the cycle of corruption and tyranny. We have mobilized an even larger movement and are ready to take the fight against corruption to Don Young and those who seek to continue the status quo. To be able to do this, we need to raise $10,000 in 15 days to meet our quarterly goal. You can help us reach this goal by making a contribution today.

Go to to donate $50 or more today and help us reach our goal of $10,000 by March 31!

Alaska will not allow another corrupt, establishment candidate to buy their way into office. We will not allow for another candidate to continue the cycle of corruption that has plagued this state and robbed Alaskans of the representation you deserve in Congress.

Speak out against the corruption by donating $50 or more today to our campaign! With your support, we will continue to fight for honesty and integrity in our representatives by electing Diane Benson to be the voice for all Alaskans in Congress.

In solidarity,

Riche Zamor
Campaign Manager
Benson for Congress
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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-22-08 09:12 PM
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1. Diane, in my opinion, is a remarkable candidate,
and I'm proud to support her. I never leave her presence without being totally inspired. I'm glad to see she won this recognition.
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