I think he may have been in Seward for the Mt. Marathon stuff maybe? I heard somebody say, but I can't remember exactly. Diane shared the float with Hollis French, Les Gara and Patti Higgins, and my husband and I were among the Diane supporters walking the parade. Here's my photo from that one.

I'm glad you got to meet and talk with Diane afterwards. She really is a very sweet person, and very wise. The more I get to know her, the more I like her, not just as a candidate but as a friend. I drove her up to Glennallen about a month ago to attend a function up there, and we had a blast. She had been down in Reno for an American Indian convention the days before and had just gotten back home about 2:00 a.m., so I did the driving and she caught a few Zs in the back seat on the way up. After the conference, we went to an Athabascan "fiddle dance" down in Copper Center, and it was just great. We passed out a zillion Benson buttons, and Diane danced with some old friends from the Pipeline days. We had so much fun, lots of laughs, and didn't get back to town until about 1:00 a.m. :)
I know you're an Ethan fan, and I'm a Diane fan, but I suspect we'll be in good hands, no matter who ends up winning. I feel like this is the year for the Democrats to take the House (and the Senate). Don's done, and Sean Parnell seems like kind of a zero. Of the Republican candidates, I actually kind of like Gabrielle. I saw all the candidates (except Don) at the Hispanic council debate, and I was much more impressed with her than Parnell. It's too bad they stopped her from raising money while in the legislature, while apparently that's not an issue for Parnell. It doesn't seem quite fair.
Don made kind of a big deal about Sean not being at the debate Sunday, which I thought was kind of ironic considering how he refused to debate Diane in 2006.