From the Anchorage Press:
In the Democratic primary, 15.9% of the respondents were undecided; Berkowitz scored 54% while Benson had 25.2% (Don Wright of the Alaska Independence Party was included, and got 4.9% support).
Among Republican voters, 10.1% were undecided, while Young was up top with 46%, Parnell fairly close behind at 38.3%, and LeDoux with 5.6%.
Article: far as Mayor Begich.. I can safely say that most Alaska DU'ers here prefer
Eric Croft over anyone else who has shown an interest in running.
Croft plans to run against a very weasley, dirtball assembly member, Dan Sullivan who
In the r-THUG primary, besides Ted Stevens..... some strange dude named "Vic Vickers" is running, but no one in the state knows who the hell he is.
If Stevens' trial is in DC, he will be toast and Begich (who is already slightly leading in the polls) will win.
If for some crazy reason the judge allows the trial to be in Anchorage and Ted wins it.. there's a good chance the old fart could win simply because of a
"backfire effect" of the trial. (Or so says Jeffrey Toobin on CNN).
In other words, Toobin meant that if the trial was here and he
wasn't convicted. He could easily win the race by residents thinking
"how dare those outsiders try to convict an innocent Alaskan?"Toobin also said it would be highly unlikely for the judge to allow the trial to be in "Ted-friendly Alaska"