Or should we respect our electorial system to the point that it doesn't matter what our highest state official does after gaining election, regardless of the tactic used to get elected?
Here's a letter that was sent twice, followed up with a phone call and recieved NO RESPONSE, by the Democratic Party officials... I invite you to visit the website: www.RecallMurkowski.com and help us do what no one from the national Democractic Party dares to even speak about!
October 12, 2004
Dear Ms. Marisol,
Attached below is a letter I did not receive a response to. I have been advised to resend this to you. See attached:
August 30, 2004
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 120 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 224-2447 Fax (202) 969-0388
Dear Committee Members,
I am on the steering committee of Alaskans to Recall Murkowski. I believe that our nonpartisan effort to recall the current Governor of Alaska should be examined by your committee. I write to ask for your help in order to accomplish our mutual goals.
To date, the contributions received have not been enough to insure success. To get through “Phase One” and to force our Lt. Governor to issue “official” recall booklets will require about 35,000 signatures. These signatures could be easily obtained by paying people to collect for us at $1 per signature. However, we lack the funding to make this happen. This is very unfortunate, as our success would cause quite a chain of events, including a court challenge and front page news coverage. This action would surely derail the Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate campaign.
Recently, a Republican State Senator resigned to avoid facing a successful Alaskan recall effort. Our work need not be futile.
We have a top-notch public interest attorney, who has volunteered his services. We have had a website, which is currently down for the second time, attacked by a hacker. We are working to restore the site, which is testimony to the fact that someone recognizes that our effort is effective. $30,000 to $40,000 should not be an unobtainable amount of funding, particularly considering the effect that our effort would have on our future.
Our group of volunteers have a successful track record for these types of efforts. However, without funds we are impotent.
Attached below is a letter sent requesting funds from potential supporters several months ago. If you’d like to explore the possibility of working together, I encourage you to contact me as soon as possible. With your help, the outcome of our effort will have a very predictable and favorable effect on Alaskan and national politics.
Most Sincerely,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alaskans to Recall Murkowski
I sincerely appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our effort to recall Governor Frank Murkowski. Our effort has great potential to stop the arrogant disregard that the current Alaskan administration and Legislature has demonstrated against the will of the people of Alaska. The influence of our recall effort could have wide reaching ramifications. A focused, directed effort with this recall could help topple the extremist Republican stranglehold that currently exists, both on the federal and the state level. Regardless of the partisan issue, enforcing accountability on an unaccountable and unresponsive Governor will force our elected officials to recognize their connection with and duty to, the citizens they are elected to serve.
Our effort has the potential to upset the Republican control of the US Senate, as our ex-Governor Tony Knowles is running against Governor Frank Murkowski's appointed successor, his daughter US Senator Lisa Murkowski. Over 50,000 Alaskans signed a petition to change the law (which was changed during the Legislative session just prior to the Governor's election) to restore Alaskan citizen's right to elect successors to fill a US Senator's unexpired term, rather than to allow appointment by the Governor. However, legislation will be passed before the upcoming election that restores Alaskan citizen's right to elect successors to federal office. This will be done by the Republican controlled Alaskan Legislature to nullify the initiative, thus insuring Alaskans' voting in the US Senate race are not also reminded of the nepotism that allowed Lisa Murkowski's appointment to the office she is campaigning to keep.
If we can get our recall action on track, this recall issue will influence the Senate election just as the anti-nepotism initiative would have. Every signature gathered to recall Frank Murkowski, as Governor of Alaska would discourage that person from voting for Lisa Murkowski for US Senate. Every ad for the recall and every news story related to the progress of our effort would take votes away from Frank's daughter Lisa. Our recall effort could have wide reaching effects on Alaska and America’s future.
There is no question in my mind that Governor Frank Murkowski's negative approval rating is much higher than 65%. The only question I have difficulty answering is why has there not been any group or person, with the financial ability to help our recall effort, come forward to help us promote this issue and seed this fertile ground. I hope that we have simply failed to reach the right people, with the right message. This opportunity is unique. Time wasted damages the effectiveness of our effort.
Governor Murkowski clearly lied to get elected. He claimed he would develop our resources without taxing Alaskans and without touching the Permanent Fund dividend, Alaskans' political sacred cow. Headlines in the Anchorage Daily News clearly state that the Governor proposes to tap the earning of the Permanent Fund. The Governor vetoed the Alaskan senior citizens' Longevity Bonus program, while supporting legislation giving millions of dollars in tax breaks to oil producers, who will soon be making more profits on Alaskan oil than the state will collect in revenue. In Alaska, the citizens collectively own this resource, not the Governor, the Legislature, or the oil producers.
Governor Murkowski continues to tax Alaskans, while giving away the state's wealth through tax breaks and incentives to the people who helped get him elected. He seeks to exploit Alaska for short-term benefits, without regard for our future. Many Alaskans know this. However, to capitalize on these political realities our group needs the resources to get this message to the people. Alaskan citizens can restore accountability to the Governor's office and to our Legislature. If given the opportunity, Alaskan citizens will strike back.
Our group, "Alaskan to Recall Murkowski" can provide the vehicle to change the political climate in Alaska. We represent a solid majority of Alaskans, which include conservatives and liberals, environmentalists, senior citizens, working Alaskans, and the vast majority of people who call Alaska their home and have long term plans to stay in Alaska. We simply lack the resources to accomplish our task. Our population is small, which makes this opportunity very possible.
Please have your friends and supporters visit our website. I can provide more details and information, if needed, to help move our effort ahead. Our group is solid. Our members are respected citizens and proven activists. We share common goals. Help us make this happen.