The four year campaign by Democrat Diane Benson has been sabotaged by the "Red to Blue"(RTB) king makers of the DNC. In 2006 RTB spent 15 million dollars to support Democratic candidates, an average of $400,000 for each, but without a breath of support for the sole Alaskan congressioanal candidate. Outspent 19-1 Benson gained better than 40% of the vote. A measley tenth of the average doled out by the DNC would have allowed Benson to cover the state with the incumbant's role in the Northern Mariana's scandal, his relationship with lobbyist jack Abramoff and subserviance to Tom delay, the legislative bully denounced by his own Texas GOP constituents. so now that the incumbant is toast the RTB, wanting unearned credit for swinging Alaska, have decided to support Benson's oppoent in the race, which leads to my question: Who in the hell gave these jackasses authority to meddle in Alaska's primary election? One thing is clear. They have no idea of the damage they are doing in a state where voters despise and reject "outside" interference. They are inviting a firestorm of resentment from the tens of thousands of Benson supporters if her opponent wins the primary with "tainted money". How do they think the tens of thousands of disrespected voters, active military and national guard; veterans of WWII and every action since: women already bitter by the sexist national campaign; commited supporters among the first peoples: the Aleuts, Dena-ina, Eyak, Cupik, Yupic, Inupiat, Gwichin, Athabaskan, Tshimshian, Haida, and Tlingits; the African American and Asian communities; and independent voters of every stripe, will vote in the general election? One thing you can be sure of: many will stay home! Perhaps enough to insure that the Red state stays Red. If so, you can thank the Washington fools for missing the boat.
-Alaska Ed