But I say it probably guarantee's the State to McCain. There was a tiny tiny chance that we would go for Obama this time, the first time the state voted for a Democrat for president since LBJ I think. But Palin is very popular, people up here like her a lot, and it will probably energize her supporters to get out and show up on Nov. 4. McCain placed 4th in our state's republican primary, so I was kind of hoping for low R turnout, especially since we have a decent chance of getting rid of Ted Stevens and Don Young (although he might not be on the ticket as his primary is not counted yet). But I think Palin on the ticket might hurt us in all three races, not to mention some further down ticket stuff.
Then again I could be completely wrong. Maybe people up here will vote with our heads instead of our hearts this time around, we all know that Sarah isn't even remotely qualified for the job, we all know she is a liar (87% in the poll I saw about her Troopergate scandal), and there is a huge independent streak up here, so even if Palin/McCain carry our 3 electoral votes, there is still a chance we can add to the Dem majority in the house/Senate.