Republican Warmonger Vote Fraud This Year and Past
1 Disinformation about polling date, polling place, polling times... 2 blockades of polling sites by construction equipment... 3. intimidation of minority voters by police blockades, campaign operatives (such as Thune's intimidation of Native Americans in SD) 4...electricity shutdowns... 5. removal of names from rolls.. because middle initial is present or absent.. or because several people in a county have the same name,. 6. shutdown of precincts for no number 2 pencils or other equipment absence 7. deliberate understaffing and undermachining of precincts 8 failure to allow early voting 9 voting hours not long enuogh 10. only 2 states allowing electoral vote to be split by congressional district 11. an as yet unelected Supreme Court 12. media used in disinformation (ABC on Nov 4 08 instructing Ohio voters that polls closed at 6, not 7:30) Jacksonville Times Union telling Duval Cty African Americans in a special edition to vote every page of the ballot 13. delay of absentee ballot mailing 14. contaminated chain of evidence...e.g. who holds the absentee ballots 15. Election Systems and Software, Diebold (now Premier), Sequoiad Pacific, Triad and other Republican owned 'voting machine' companies which have caused votes to flip from Dem to Rep. or not to record Dem votes at all 16. lack of a paper trail in many Southern states 17. computer code of 40,000 lines for some machines.. when 500 would suffice 18. candidates left off ballot (John Kerry left off Cincinnati absentee ballot) 19. election observers locked out (as in 2004 in Warren Ohio) 20. handicapped voter access lines jammed (as in NH by Karl Rove operatives) 21. the war economy has created homeless.. who have been denied the vote in some states because they have no address 22. hired operatives portraying themselves as volunteers 23. neocon talk shows programming Democratic callers to answering machines rather than on to the air 24. C Span giving 1/3 of the phone lines to a Party which represents less than 1/3 of the population 25. neocon tv having virtually no interactive shows 26. neocon radio filled with chickenhawk warjocks 27. In Alaska, voters were required to fold ballots. Obama's name was on the crease and was not recorded in many optical scanners. 28. Alaska Republicans want the world to believe that 2008 was the lowest ever national election vote, despite the fact that an Alaskan was running.