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"Circling Up the Musk Ox - Where Art Thou"

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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-09 01:41 PM
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"Circling Up the Musk Ox - Where Art Thou"
Andrew Halcro has a good blog entry this morning.

(1/27/09) Just one week after Governor Sarah Palin's State of the State speech where she told Alaskans, "like our musk ox, they circle up to protect their future when they are challenged. We’ve got to do the same," it appears Palin is abandoning the herd.

On Thursday, January 29, the Alaska Municipal League (AML) will hold its annual legislative luncheon in Juneau. The AML is a voluntary, nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide organization of 140 cities, boroughs, and unified municipalities, representing over 97 percent of Alaska's residents.

In attendance will be Alaska's mayors, city council members and local government officials who gather at a time when local government is facing unprecedented challenges.

And for the second time in the last three months the AML has invited Alaska's Governor to address Alaska's Mayors and for the second time in the last three months, Palin is blowing them off.

In November 2008, the AML held their annual conference in Ketchikan and invited Palin to speak. She declined to speak to Alaska's local government officials, even though she had more than enough time during November to speak to national media as well as Georgia voters about why they should vote for Saxby Chambliss.

But this weeks snub shows what most AML members have thought since last year; this isn't business, this is personal.

After all, the invitation is for a lunch speech on Thursday in Juneau, during a time when the governor should be in Juneau for the legislative session. What possibly could be keeping the governor from attending? What possibly could be more important than spending twenty minutes with local government officials who have questions about transportation and energy?

Well, it appears the head Musk Ox holds a grudge.

In January 2008, during the AML's legislative meeting, a number of mayor's were frustrated at what they called a lack of access to Governor Palin. Some mayors were frustrated that Palin was hard to get an appointment with, wouldn't return phone calls and was almost impossible to get answers from.

Mayor Joe Williams from Saxman stood up in a crowded room and complained about Palin's absence which drew major press coverage.

AP reporter Anne Sutton wrote on January 23, 2008: "Local municipal leaders complained Tuesday that Gov. Sarah Palin is not living up to her promise of an open and transparent government. Members of the Alaska Municipal League gathering in Juneau this week said they are disappointed with the administration's efforts to help Alaska communities. And some are upset they haven't had a chance to talk with her about it."

Palin was furious at the negative press coverage. Later at a Ketchikan fly-in reception, she reportedly made a beeline for Williams and gave him a piece of her mind. Since that interaction, Palin has declined every invitation to speak to the group.

In fact, since Palin has been elected, she hasn't even met once with the AML's executive director.

But this weeks snub is one for the books. After calling back to confirm that the AML received the message that Palin wouldn't be able to speak to the group on Thursday, Palin's secretary asked if they were giving out an award to any of the mayors.

When asked why, the caller said the governor might be able to swing by and hand out an award. When asked by the AML why the governor had time to come by and hand out an award but yet didnt have time to come by and talk about energy and transportation issues, the secretary didn't have an answer.

In her absence, Palin has sent both Lt. Governor Sean Parnell and Attorney General Talis Colberg. The problem is that neither Parnell or Colberg have the capacity to answer any questions asked by the AML members.

When asked questions by AML members, Parnell answers that he can't speak for the governor.

In fact Parnell has quickly worn thin his welcome by his inability to say anything that means anything. When asked in at a past AML meeting about the governor's position on revenue sharing by Mayor Jerome Selby of Kodiak, Parnell answered that it takes more than money to run a city..."it takes character, honesty and punctuality."

A classic from a guy who puts the Lite in Lite Guv.

Meanwhile, Palin can talk all day long about "circling up like Musk Ox to protect the future of Alaska" and "So now united, protecting and progressing under the great North Star, let’s get to work," but before any of that happens....she has to show up to work.

The way it looks, is that the AML is going to have to attract a national news media outlet to cover its luncheon if they want Palin to agree to speak.

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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-09 06:53 PM
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1. "Slam Book" anyone?
What is she, 12?
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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-09 08:48 PM
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2. No kidding.
She disturbs me more every single day. 2010 can't get here soon enough. I wonder what her plans will be next year.
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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-09 10:33 PM
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3. Her plans? That's easy -
Stash more money!
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