This is long, but very interesting. Looks like Sarah's got another problem. August 19, 2007, the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, the hometown paper of Governor Sarah Palin blew the victory horn for the governor firing what was an independent oversight board and replacing them with a collection of her high school friends and Valley neighbors.
"Two months ago, the state-owned dairy was hemorrhaging money and on the verge of closure. Gov. Sarah Palin stepped in, dismissed the entire state Board of Agriculture and Conservation and charged its all-Mat-Su Valley replacement with finding a way to save the 71-year-old company," the editorial trumpeted.
Today, with Matanuska Maid out of business, its assets taken and put to work in the new private Valley Dairy, Palin's "all Mat-Su Valley replacements" have been busy keeping their Valley Dairy friends afloat and attempting to cover their tracks with fraudulently obtained taxpayer loans for what is one giant Ponzi scheme.
Welcome to the Bernie Madeoff's of the milk world.
After less than a year in business, the Valley Dairy has successfully produced 30,000 pounds of contaminated cheese, failed to pay lease and tax payments promptly, mishandled milk waste around the Wasilla Creek and obtained state loans through fraudulent information and insider dealings on behalf of the Director of Agriculture and the Chair of the Agriculture Board.
Unfortunately all of the state's watchdogs were either hired or appointed by Governor Sarah Palin, and are either high school friends or Valley neighbors of the governor. Quite the circling of Musk Ox if you will.