From Progressive Alaska've got it from two informants now. One in Juneau and one in Anchorage. Here are the elements of what appears to be the deal:
1) Attorney General Colberg will be forced to resign, allowing the Alaska Legislature to blame him for Gov. Sarah Palin's probable role in the witness tampering that occurred during the Branchflower Investigation.
2) Alaska Senate President Gary Stevens and Alaska Speaker of the House Mike Chenault will assure that further efforts to investigate either of the Palins' roles in:
a) the termination of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan,
b) the stymying of the Branchflower Investigation, or,
c) the Petumenos Investigation - particularly with the Palins' depositions - are thwarted or ended.
In exchange, Stevens and Chenault will not receive vetoes to projects - yet to be named - in their districts.
Typical Alaska GOP politics. I wonder if Palin had Randy Reudrich help broker the deal. Here we have Mike Chennault, the sole remaining Alaska legislator who was a very big player in the VECO handouts, together with Stevens and Palin, both of whom received thousands from Bill Allen's company, working together to hide the truth.
We can only hope the FBI is onto this deal, and somehow has it taped or documented.
Update - 2:40p.m. Tuesday: It appears Shannyn Moore has now gotten similar information:
Senate President Gary Stevens is under pressure from Palin to sweep all under the rug with this resignation. All the findings in the Branchflower report paid for by Alaskans…irrelevant. Lookie, Talis is gone…it’s all good now!
Please tell Mr. Stevens (very respectfully) that we need answers. The $100,000 investigation belongs to Alaskans, not the Governor.
Here is his contact info:
Phone: (907) 465-4925
Fax: (907) 465-3517
Talis Colberg, meet Sarah's bus. Can we call the FBI yet?