can only take so much Sarah Palin. And this week, she’s just plain ticked me off. So, I’m going to enjoy this Friday evening with a little “political sorbet” to cleanse the palate from a big fat indigestion-inducing overload of the current governor. The flavor? Bob Poe.
When Sarah Palin makes me feel like my head is going to explode, it’s always good news for Bob Poe. If you are not familiar with Mr. Poe, he will be running against Palin for governor in 2010, should she choose to seek that office again. She may take the “Go straight to the Presidential campaign. Do Not Pass Go. Do collect $11 million from a book deal” option. We can’t be sure.
Nevertheless, I sat this morning with my first cup of coffee, and my bowl of oatmeal, and I listened to Bob Poe on KUDO 1080am. At one point, I put the spoon down, and closed my eyes and just imagined, “This is my governor….” Wow. It was quite a shock to the system. I mean: well versed on the issues, intelligent, funny, informed, energeic, savvy, cultured yet down-to-earth… and wait til you hear this!
He said he “really likes blog discussions.” My eyes popped open. Did I drift off and imagine that in my reverie? Nope. He really said it. He went on to say that a recent study had shown that 70% of Americans trust what they hear from an individual or a friend, more than what they hear from the media. So…on the chance that a certain someone may be reading, everybody all together….wave madly at Bob Poe!!
And just in case you were wondering what might have happened if Bob Poe had been the one on the receiving end of Katie Couric’s “gotcha” question about what he reads every day, I have a partial answer.
The Atlantic Monthly and The Economist.
Now granted, he still has a long way to go to read as much as Sarah. She reads “umm…all of them,” if you recall. But I’m sure he’ll be able to catch up if he tries real hard.
In the meantime, if you want to learn more about Bob Poe, click HERE or visit the “I Know Bob Poe” Facebook page.
I DON'T know Bob Poe, but he'd have to be better than Sarah.